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Updated: 2023-08-14

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Home - Journeys - Germany, Saarbrucken 2020 - Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Town Hall.

The Town Hall.

The old center.

The old center.

The old center.

The old center.

The old bridge.

The old bridge.

Modern Saarbrücken.

Modern Saarbrücken.

The sightseeing boat.

The sightseeing boat.

We sleep badly in the Best Western Victor's Residenz-Hotel Rodenhof in Saarbrücken, as usually the first night in a different environment and in a different bed.
Breakfast is above expectations, but due to Covid there is unfortunately no buffet, the food has to be ordered at a counter. It is not convenient, but it all works, it tastes fine and the coffee is fortunately good too.

At the reception we ask for a Saarland card, with which we can travel by public transport for free, and for a map of the area.
We walk to the center, about 20 minutes walk. The center looks spacious and modern, not very cozy.
If we continue we enter an older part and there is much more atmosphere. There is also a lot of catering and many terraces. There are nice houses, but we have the feeling that we will have seen it all within a day.
We want to take a cruise on the Saar, free with our Saarland card, but first we have a look at the castle on the other bank of the Saar. We cross the Saar via the old bridge from which the city takes its name.
Then we have a snack with Alex, moderate and burnt food.

At our leisure we walk to the dock for the tour boat. We appear to be the only two passengers, and the cruise is nice, but it confirms our idea that we will have seen Saarbrucken within a day. The explanation of what we all see is only in German, but the story is very extensive and is told with great élan.
After the cruise, we want to return to the hotel by bus, free of charge with the Saarland card. We have seen that bus 105 passes the hotel and we get on at the main station. The bus makes a very long ride through the outskirts of Saarbrucken and via the main station (again) we finally arrive near the hotel.
We get off at an Edeka supermarket and buy something to eat and drink for our room.
Still we eat something in the restaurant of the hotel, together one hamburger.

Pia gets the idea to go and have a look in Saarburg tomorrow, which is about 75 kilometers away.

Link: Saarbrücken.
Link: Dein Alex.
Link: EDEKA Czajka.

Written on: 2020-09-24


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